Key Insights 1 | Min 00:42
Importance of having no ambiguity in the sales process
Key Insights 2 | Min 02:41
Strategic goals to achieve growth
Key Insights 3 | Min 05:15
Why is the sales team's purpose critical?
Key Insights 4 | Min 07:22
Why does agility matters as a sales rep?
Key Insights 5 | Min 08:49
How do sales reps accomplish their goals?
Key Insights 6 | Min 12:42
Pro tips on creating effective sales onboarding plan
Key Insights 7 | Min 17:53
Why are the words
Key Insights 8 | Min 20:49
Advice for sales reps to improve their communication skills
Key Insights 9 | Min 23:17
Leading and lagging KPI’s that sales organizations should consider
Key Insights 10 | Min 25:59
How does the sales rep take control of their day?
Key Insights 11 | Min 31:18
What does